The Project
Project Description
The “social economy” has played an important role in addressing and mitigating the short- and long-term impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on economy and society. In the short term, social economy actors have assisted the recovery from the crisis by providing innovative solutions that are aimed at strengthening public services to complement government action. In the long term, social economy organisations can help reshape the post-crisis economy by promoting inclusive and sustainable economic models. Now more than ever it is necessary to face change with a wealth of entrepreneurial skills and mindset.
Key amongst these is the building of a more influential culture of entrepreneurship and ‘entrepreneurial mindsets’ of European citizens, particularly young people. Education and training are key drivers in this process. All students should have access to entrepreneurship education, which should be offered in all types and at all levels of education. The project RE.MIND will help students to gain the knowledge, skills, and tools to recognize entrepreneurship as a “process” rather than an “end point”.
It aims therefore at defining a solution to develop a conceptual shift from thinking entrepreneurship as “how to run a business” to “how to develop a broad set of competencies” applicable in all areas of life. The project has the ambition to transfer this new concept of entrepreneurship into school curricula, supporting teachers and educators in applying appropriate methods to identify, analyse and develop entrepreneurial skills in VET students. The project is focused on getting the right combination of theoretical and practical components and removing the barriers between the worlds of business and education.

The lockdown has put a strain on all the member states of the European Union and so does on our partnership. For this reason which we are convinced that investing in the creation of a programme that develops an entrepreneurial mindset and in digital tool will bring benefits at different levels and to our targets.
By involving students in non-formal education activities, they are expected to develop a deeper understanding of transversal skills and further acquire the “Entrepreneurial mindset” by allowing them to grow as responsible citizens and to be competitive on the job market.
Thanks to the support provided by the digital technologies, students will be challenged to express their creative potential and ability to interact, communicate and emphasise in the context of both real and virtual scenarios.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2021-1-NO01-KA220-VET-000033203