Project Results

PR1: Entrepreneurial skills Model for SMEs in social economy


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The Entrepreneurial Skills Model will identify the needs on entrepreneurial competences for the social service. The primary objective is to design and develop a shared model between schools and social economy enterpises to support them and inspire actions to improve entrepreneurial capacity and mindset. The aim of the R1 is to provide an integrated template of tools and guidelines to enable students to develop the entrepreneurial mindset and competencies, which will help them to express their talents, especially in the service sector.

PR2: REMIND web app for the Entrepreneurial mindset evaluation


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This project resulty relies to a self-administered tool to evaluate the soft skills considered more related with the entrepreneurial mindset according to the SMEs in the social economy. Therefore, it is a self-assessment tool, designed as a complementary instrument of the training programme for schools, to measure and improve entrepreneurial capacity and mindset. It aims to develop an entrepreneurial mindset in VET students, so they become more employable and more ‘intrapreneurial’ in their work within existing organisations, across the social, public and private sectors. As target group, young VET students are digital natives given that the soft skills evaluation tool has to be a game on web app. The web app will be designed with particular attention to those who have learning disabilities. The web app assists students to recognise what they can do to become more effective in working in SMEs in social economy enterprises. It measures the level of mastery for the transversal skills defined in PR1 “Entrepreneurial model”.

PR3: Training Notebook


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The Training Notebook will prove to be a key supporting tool for teacher in the implementation of the educational material of the project. More precisely, it aims to provide teachers with a comprehensive notebook including the pedagogical approach and entrepreneurial (soft) skills targeted, guidance on the facilitator role and supporting material for evaluation of participants. The Training Notebook aims to ensure that teachers are fully aware of their role and receive the necessary tools in order to act accordingly to project objectives.

PR4: Training programme for social economy SMEs
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The PR4 is based on the results of Entrepreneurial Skills Model (PR1), the objective is to create a user friendly online training modules and all associated materials to facilitate skills and competences with the aim to stimulate knowledge creation and experience exchange to achieve a diversity of skills and competences for developing an entrepreneurial mindset in students/trainers. It tries to create a tool that will be flexible and fully transferable and adaptable to the different environments of European SMEs.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2021-1-NO01-KA220-VET-000033203

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