Risk Bearer in the context of social economy

The R.E.mind project explored several issues present within the dynamics of the social economy. One of these dimensions investigated is the risk bearer: a fundamental skill underlying a sound entrepreneurial mindset.
Within the dynamics of the social economy, an individual with good entrepreneurial skills should possess a certain inclination towards risk bearer and what comes with it, such as versatility and a propensity to adapt.
The European EntreComp guide has identified a set of key competences, divided into closely interwoven areas, which summarize the entrepreneurship model.
“Ideas and Opportunities”, “Resources” and “In Action “are the 3 areas of the conceptual model that emphasize entrepreneurial competence as the ability to transform ideas and opportunities into action through the mobilization of resources. The aim is to help people to be more creative, more proactive, more opportunity-oriented and more innovative. It is also intended to promote policies to foster practical ‘entrepreneurship’ experiences by all young people before they leave school.
In the ‘In Action’ area, the previously introduced concept of risk bearer is explored. What is risk bearer or risk-taking?
Making decisions when the outcome of the decision is uncertain, when the available information is partial or ambiguous, or when there is a risk of unintended outcomes. As part of the value creation process, include structured ways of testing ideas and prototypes at an early stage to reduce the risk of failure. Manage fast-moving situations with readiness and flexibility.
In summary, what makes the difference within a business context when it comes to risk-taking is knowing how to cope with uncertainties, how to calculate unforeseen events and possible scenarios, and how to manage risk itself through strategic plans by carefully evaluating each present or potential element.
But more generally, the perception of risk is something that cannot be defined as objective, but rather subjective as it is different for each individual. Age, gender, cultural background, level of education, contingent moment, emotional state and much more can determine risk-taking, trying, moreover, to keep in mind that ‘risk’ is not necessarily synonymous with ‘danger’ and therefore ‘damage’. Whether in the financial, political, relational or physical area, what makes the difference is an approach to the subject linked to a sense of responsibility and awareness that leads to optimal management of any uncertain and unpredictable situation.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2021-1-NO01-KA220-VET-000033203