R.E.MIND’s project 4th TPM in Zaragoza, Spain.
On the 21st and 22nd of June, all project partners reunited for the fourth transnational project meeting of the R.E.MIND project. The TPM was held in Zaragoza, Spain and hosted by project partner GEInnova, Gestión Estratégica e Innovación with the presence of Innovation hive, SPIROSLO, ExeoLab, GIP FIPAN, Elidea. During these two days, partners of the project discussed the following topics in order to progress together and further determine what the next steps of R.E.MIND should be.
Thus, the TPM started with the discussion of the PR-2 web app for the Entrepreneurial mindset evaluation, presented by GEInnova and Elidea. Indeed, both partners presented the progress, content and activities linked to the platform and, in addition; all partners gave their input in order to best adapt the platform and its evaluation methods to all future participants. Furthermore, this presentation and discussions were followed by the review of the training program notebook, including the Escape game tool kit, managed and presented by GIP FIPAN. Throughout this part of the meeting the implementation and translation of both notebooks were discussed as well as the best ways in which participants and future participants can get access to them whether they are students, organizations or SME’s. The following topics of the meeting focused more on the next steps of R.E.MIND projects, discussing topics such as the PR-4: Training programme for social economy SMEs, allowing the presentation of how the project’s online modules will aim to stimulate knowledge creation and experience exchange to achieve a diversity of skills and competences for developing an entrepreneurial mindset in students and/or trainers.
Finally, all partners participated in the planification of the next steps and date setting for future activities such as traineeships, Multiplier events and so on! This TPM was a fruitful event that allowed all partners to give input and to finalize the next steps till R.E.MIND’s completion! Thus, the R.E.MIND project is well on its way and is eager to start helping Youth find and develop their potential in the field of entrepreneurship, all the while connecting them with important entrepreneurial stakeholders!

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2021-1-NO01-KA220-VET-000033203